Gut loving chickpea flatbreads

I have always found gluten free wraps to be pretty terrible quality, but also with lots of nasties added and it generally tastes like cardboard.

This is where I went on a quest to find the best version of a gluten free wrap or flatbread that is not dry.

These flatbreads have a great texture, soft and not dry. They are SO easy to make in your nutribullet or blender and with only 4 ingredients they are easy enough to make up fresh each time you need.

Chickpea flour is incredibly rich in protein, fibre and prebiotics which are important to feed our gut microbiome.

  • Egg free

  • Gluten free

  • Vegan

  • Dairy free

  • Rich in protein & fibre

Ingredients (Makes approx 8 flatbreads)

  • 2 cups of chickpea flour (also known as Besan flour)

  • 2/3 cups of tapioca starch

  • 1/2 tsp salt

  • 1 3/4 cups of water


  1. Add all ingredients to a blender (I used a Nutribullet) & mix

  2. Heat up a pan on high heat with a splash of extra virgin olive oil

  3. Pour batter into hot pan like a pancake and spread out. (Be careful not to spread too thinly)

  4. Cook for a few minutes each side until desired


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